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01 Chukwudiebube Nwachukwu 01 Chukwudiebube Nwachukwu


Displaced persons are people who have been forced to leave their homes especially because of war or a natural disaster such as earth quakes, flood etc. while the definition of mental health according to the world health organisation means a “State of well- being in which the individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.

 Millions of people have been forcefully displaced from their homes in the past decade. The number who seek refuge within their own country as internally displaced person (IDPs) is significantly higher than those who cross the borders as refugees or asylum seekers.

According to the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR, 2021). There are approximately 824 million forcibly displaced people worldwide of which 55 million are IDP’s with 48 million resulting from conflict and violence and 7million from disasters. (Internal Displacement Monitoring Center (IDMC) 2020).

 In Nigeria, a decade of conflict and crisis caused by Boko Haram and other terrorist groups have affected millions of people and over 2million remain displaced. (International Organisation for Migration (IOM) 2022). The majority of IDP’s settled in self –settled location (Non Government Authorized Sites) and with their host communities. The ever-increasing volume of forcibly displaced persons has stranded humanitarian agencies and host countries, particularly in the realm of health services. As media attention only turns to the latest breaking emergency, little attention is paid to the longer – term mental health and psychological sickness plaguing persons who resettle as refugees.

 Approximately 33% of displaced persons will pass through high rates of:

  • Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

  • Anxiety

  • Depression


According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA), PTSD is defined as a psychiatric disorder in which clients / patients have experienced or witnessed a significant traumatic event. It entails having persistent, recurrent flashbacks of a witnessed trauma. Some stateless persons may have experienced events either in their countries of origin, in their journey to a place as a potential refugee and in settling in a new location.

 However, it is important to remember that stress related to a refugee’s current situation can be just as difficult to deal with as those that lead to the flight in the first place. Fazel et al (2005) estimated that of displaced persons resettled in the western countries, about 10% met Post traumatic stress diagnostic criteria for PTSD.



  • Re-experiencing of aspects of stressful event:

Which is also called (intrusion) and includes flashbacks, recurrent nightmares and intrusion images or other sensory impression from the event.

  • Avoidance of reminders:

This involves difficulty in recalling stressful events at will, avoidance of reminders of the event, a feeling of detachment and inability to feel emotion (Numbing).

  • Hyper arousal:

This involves persistent anxiety, irritability, insomnia and poor concentration. PTSD could bring about maladaptive coping responses among affected stateless persons as persistent aggressive behaviour, excessive use of alcohol or drugs and deliberate self harm and suicide.



This is another mental health challenge that displaced persons encounter which simply mean the presence of fear or apprehension that is out of proportion to the context of the life situation. Anxiety has long been recognised as a prominent symptom which occurs among displaced persons. Issues of displacement can vary from low to moderate levels of anxiety to more severe mental disorders.

  • Symptoms of includes:

  • Fearful Anticipation 

  • Palpitation

  • Frequent or loose motions.

  • Poor concentration

  • Irritability

  • Insomnia

  • Headache

  • Night terror

  • Menstrual discomfort  

  • Failure of erection etc.



Depression refers to either a symptom or a syndrome. As a symptom, it is being sad down in the dumps, listless, joyless, blue.

As a syndrome, it means a particular constellation of symptoms, with the symptoms of depression usually, but not always, being present and prominent. Although at some point, stateless persons have symptoms of depression, only few people have the syndrome and when they do, it is most often called MAJOR DEPRESSION. Most displaced persons with depression show a reduction in symptoms overtime, mainly if there are less resettlement stressors.


  • Depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day, (feels sad) or empty. Note: in children and adolescents can be irritable mood.

  • Markedly diminished interest or pleasure in all, or all most all activities of most the day.

  • Significantly weight loss.

  • Insomnia or hypersomnia nearly every day.

  • Psychomotor retardation nearly everyday.

  • Fatigue or loss of energy nearly day.

  • Recurrent thoughts of death and recurrent suicidal ideation.


  • Unaddressed mental problems among stateless persons can have negative influence such as:

  • Substance abuse.

  • Sexual violence by the people who engage in warfare activities as well as those in authority in charge of the camps.

  • Frequent deprivation of adequate food, shelter and health services.

  • In PTSD, there will be changes in the person’s brain and pre-existing vulnerability and neurotoxicity as origin of brain volume reduction.

  • Rapid spread of disease and infection.



In places where accessibility of resources are scarce, it may result to social tension.

Over exploitation may also decrease food security.

High rate of drug abuse among affected ones can lead to mental and behavioural disorders.

Increase in morbidity and mortality rate.


Timely access to psychological / mental health care should be given. These include:

  • Psychotherapy.

  • Counseling.

  • Relaxation therapy.

  • Behavioural and cognitive therapy.

In severe cases, admission into a psychiatric hospital for expert management.


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Menstruation, 01 Chukwudiebube Nwachukwu Menstruation, 01 Chukwudiebube Nwachukwu


Child development and mental health are closely interconnected. Whether at the newborn, infant, toddler, preschool or school-age stages of child development, experiences in early childhood have been known to significantly impact a child's emotional and psychological well-being and the scars can follow them throughout their lives.

Ensuring that childcare settings at all stages are nurturing, stable, and enriched can contribute positively to a child's mental health and overall development. Here’s how:

1. Attachment, Bonding and Stable Relationships: Secure attachments with caregivers provide a foundation for emotional stability and social competence. Responsive, consistent caregiving helps children develop trust and a sense of security.

2. Social and Emotional Skills: High-quality childcare environments promote the development of social skills, such as empathy, cooperation, and effective communication. These skills are crucial for mental health and successful relationships.

3. Stress Reduction and Resilience: Stressful or unstable childcare situations can negatively impact a child’s mental health. Conversely, supportive environments help children build resilience and coping skills.

4. Cognitive Development: Early stimulation and positive interactions in childcare settings enhance cognitive development, which is linked to self-esteem and emotional well-being.

5. Parental Involvement: Collaboration between childcare providers and parents can reinforce consistent care and support, benefiting the child’s mental health.

6.  Screen Time and Physical Activity: Less screen time and more physical activity and play is important for mental health and overall development.


Quality childcare is crucial for a child's emotional, social, and cognitive development. Positive early experiences in childcare can foster secure attachments, build social skills, and enhance self-regulation. Conversely, poor-quality care or stressful environments can contribute to emotional and behavioural issues. It ensures:

  • Stable Relationships: Consistent and caring relationships with caregivers help children feel secure and supported.

  • Early Learning Opportunities: Activities that promote language, problem-solving, and social skills support cognitive and emotional development.

  • Stress Reduction: Environments that minimise stress and provide emotional support contribute to better mental health outcomes.

Child development has a significant impact on mental health, both for children and caregivers. For children, high-quality childcare can enhance cognitive and social development, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being. On the other hand, inadequate or stressful childcare environments can lead to developmental delays, behavioural issues, and mental health challenges.

For caregivers, managing childcare responsibilities while dealing with personal and professional stress can affect their mental health. Poor mental health in caregivers can, in turn, impact the quality of care they provide, creating a cycle of stress and negative outcomes for both parties.


Coping with child development can be challenging, but here are some tips to help:

  • Create a routine: Establish a daily schedule for childcare, work, and personal activities to maintain balance.

  • Seek support: Build a network of family, friends, and fellow parents for emotional support and help when needed.

  • Prioritise self-care: Make time for activities that nourish your mind, body, and spirit, like exercise, hobbies, or meditation.

  • Stay organised: Use tools like calendars, to-do lists, or apps to manage childcare tasks, appointments, and developmental milestones.

  • Foster a positive environment: Encourage learning, exploration, and play to support healthy development.

  • Stay informed: Read books, articles, or online resources to stay updated on childcare and development best practices.

  • Take breaks: Allow yourself time to rest and recharge to avoid burnout.

  • Celebrate milestones: Acknowledge and celebrate your child's achievements and progress.

  • Seek professional help: Consult paediatricians, therapists, or counsellors if you need guidance or support.

  • Be patient and flexible: Embrace the challenges and joys of childcare and development, and adapt to changing circumstances.

  • Remember, every child is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Trust your instincts, and don't hesitate to ask for help when needed.


  • Improve Quality of Childcare: Ensuring access to high-quality, affordable childcare with trained professionals can support children's development and reduce stress for families.

  • Support Families: The home is the immediate environment of every child. Parents are the foremost caregivers and should be supported by programs that make their lives easier so they can focus more on their childrens’ development instead of being absent because they are chasing money. Free Nursery, Primary and Secondary education, Free healthcare for all school children, Free transportation of school children on public transportation systems like trains and buses, free balanced feeding for all school children and many more government programs will lessen the financial burden on parents and give them more resources and time to ensure the holistic wellbeing of their children. Such programs also prevent depression which can lead to suicide because they remove anxiety from parents

  • Support for Caregivers: Providing resources such as counselling, stress management programs, and financial assistance can help caregivers manage their mental health and caregiving responsibilities.

  • Workplace Flexibility: Employers can offer flexible work schedules and parental leave to support a better work-life balance, reducing stress for working parents.

  • Early Intervention: Implementing programs that identify and address developmental or mental health issues early can prevent more severe problems later on.

  • Community Support: Building strong community networks and support systems can offer practical help and emotional support to both children and their caregivers.

Addressing these aspects can help create a more supportive environment for both children and those who care for them, promoting better mental health and developmental outcomes.


Habiba Bello Maishanu,

Focal Person Zamfara State,

Cope and Live Mental Health Awareness Foundation.

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Menstruation, 01 Chukwudiebube Nwachukwu Menstruation, 01 Chukwudiebube Nwachukwu


Memories act as a personal storage facility, capturing both joyful and terrible events throughout our life. These memories build our emotional landscape, determining how we feel and react to particular events. By focusing on pleasant memories, we can significantly enhance our mental health and control the consequences of mental health issues like despair and anxiety.



 Positive memories, such as happy experiences with loved ones, joyous events, or relaxing vacations, are essential for fostering mental health. They provide comfort and a feeling of continuity, encouraging optimism and resilience. Here are some strategies to cultivate and profit from these positive memories:




 Browse through photographs that capture happy times spent with family, friends, and cherished events. Revisiting these images can evoke positive emotions and reinforce a sense of well-being.




When thinking about people, choose to remember their positive traits and the pleasant experiences you shared. This shift in focus can improve your overall outlook and reduce feelings of negativity.




Listen to songs that remind you of happy times. Music has the power to evoke strong emotional responses and reinforce positive memories.




Reach out to individuals who have positively impacted your life through an email or message. Expressing gratitude can strengthen your connections and enhance your emotional health.




Keep a journal or digital record of moments that bring you happiness. Regularly documenting these experiences can help maintain a positive perspective.




Conversely, negative or traumatic memories can have a severe impact on mental health, potentially leading to disorders such as PTSD, sadness, and anxiety. Persistent attention to these upsetting memories might aggravate symptoms and impede recovery. It's important to recognise and manage these effects:




Engaging with a mental health professional can provide strategies for managing and processing traumatic memories. Therapeutic approaches, such as cognitive-behavioural therapy, can help reframe negative thoughts and reduce their impact.




Techniques such as mindfulness meditation can help manage intrusive thoughts and reduce the emotional intensity of negative memories.




It's important to recognise that mental illness can also affect our memory. For instance, depression often leads to difficulties with concentration and memory recall, while anxiety and stress can impair cognitive function. Understanding this interplay can aid in developing comprehensive strategies for improving both mental health and memory.




Recollections have a significant impact on our mental well-being by providing both chances for improvement and obstacles to overcome. We can promote emotional resilience and well-being by emphasising happy memories and getting help for painful ones. It is equally important to address how mental illness affects memory because doing so contributes to the development of a comprehensive strategy for mental health and recovery.

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Menstruation, 01 Chukwudiebube Nwachukwu Menstruation, 01 Chukwudiebube Nwachukwu


Stress is a common and normal physical response to challenging or new situations and can look and feel different for different people. It has both psychological and physical aspects and can be triggered by different life experiences depending on the situation at hand, it can also be external (from environment, psychological or social situations) or internal for example, serious illness.

Stress can lead to physical symptoms such as headaches, loss of appetite, increased blood pressure, chest pain, sexual dysfunction, and problems of sleeping. It can also cause or influence a broad range of physical health conditions such as heart disease, irritable bowel syndrome and mental health conditions such as depression or anxiety.


Trauma is any event that involves exposure to actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence has the potential to be traumatic. The trauma experienced can be of a physical and/or mental nature and not everyone will respond in the same way.

The most commonly known trauma-related mental illness is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It is a condition that can be diagnosed when fear, anxiety and memories of a traumatic event persist. Sometimes, the feelings may last for a long time and interfere with how they COPE with everyday life, and sometimes also it may have some of the symptoms of PTSD in the first few days after the event. Most will recover by themselves or with the support of family and friends, while others may need professional help because it may lead to traumatic injury and the survivors often suffer from physical, emotional, cognitive, and financial consequences that can affect their lives, their families, and society.

Trauma and mental illness

Experience of trauma can contribute to the development of many different forms of mental illness such as depressive and anxiety disorders, alcohol and substance use disorders, and self-harm and suicide-related behaviours.


If you're stressed, whether by your job or something more personal, the first step to feeling better is to identify the cause. It is said that problem well known is half way solved.

Most of victims feel like adopting some unhealthy habits like alcohol and smoking can help them cope, but such acts may add salt to injury also it may provide a short term relieve but at the end, its effects on health would be very worse.


At COPE&LIVE Mental Health Awareness Foundation, we provide free services to help you manage your situation. We will still provide some of the keys to good stress management like; building emotional strength, being in control of your situation, having a good social network, and adopting a positive outlook. These may include the following:

1. Exercises

Exercise won't make your stress disappear, but it can reduce some of the emotional intensity that you're feeling, clearing your thoughts and letting you deal with your problems more calmly.

2. Get control of yourself

If you think you cannot do anything about your problem, your stress can get worse.

That feeling of loss of control is one of the main causes of stress and lack of wellbeing. The act of taking control is in itself empowering, and it's a crucial part of finding a solution that satisfies you and not someone else.

3. Try to connect with people

A good support network of colleagues, friends and family can ease your troubles and help you see things in a different way. The activities we do with positive friends can help us relax and relieve stress and may also help you find solutions to your problems.

4. Self-care is very important

Try to create time for yourself for you to refresh and spend enough time to do things we really enjoy and exchange courtesy with friends and relatives. It's important to take some time for socialising, relaxation or exercise.

5. Developing critical thinking.

Set goals that can accelerate your talent such as learning a new language or a new sport. This can help build confidence and deal with stress.

6. Avoid unhealthy habits

Try to avoid all unhealthy habits such as use of drugs, alcohol, smoking and caffeine as your ways of coping.

7. Try to be positive

Look for the positives in life, and things for which you're grateful. Try to be content with what you have and be grateful for being alive while other people you know were in the graves.

#treasureyourmentalhealth #problemsolving

Abubakar Magaji Yabo,

Northwest Director of Programs & Focal Person Sokoto State,

Cope and Live Mental Health Awareness Foundation.

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01 Chukwudiebube Nwachukwu 01 Chukwudiebube Nwachukwu


An Emotion is a natural and instinctive state of mind that arises from our interpretation of circumstances, our resulting thoughts, and relationships with others. It is how we react internally to the world around us, whether it’s the joy we feel when we achieve something meaningful, the fear that grips us in the face of danger, or the sadness that follows a loss. Emotions are the colours that paint our daily experiences, influencing our actions, decisions, and overall well-being.

 There are numerous emotions, but they can generally be categorised into a few primary types:

  1. HAPPINESS: A feeling of joy, contentment, or satisfaction that uplifts our spirits.

  2. SADNESS: The emotion experienced during moments of loss, disappointment, or grief, often leading to a sense of heaviness.

  3. ANGER: An intense feeling of displeasure or frustration, typically in response to perceived wrongs or injustices.

  4. FEAR: A reaction to perceived threats or danger, often accompanied by anxiety or worry.

  5. DISGUST: A feeling of aversion or repulsion towards something unpleasant or offensive.

  6. SURPRISE: An emotional response to something unexpected, which can be either positive or negative.

  7. LOVE: A deep affection and care for someone or something, characterised by warmth and attachment.

  8. GUILT: The emotion that arises when we believe we have done something wrong or harmful, leading to feelings of remorse.

  9. SHAME: A painful emotion caused by a sense of humiliation or distress over perceived flaws or failures.

  10. PRIDE: is an emotion characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, superiority, and ego.


 Emotions are not just fleeting feelings; they have a profound and lasting impact on our mental health. When we experience positive emotions, such as happiness and love, our brains release chemicals like dopamine and serotonin which enhance our mood, boost our energy levels, and promote a sense of well-being. These positive emotions help build resilience, allowing us to cope better with stress and adversity. They also strengthen our relationships, improve social interactions, and foster a sense of community and belonging. Over time, experiencing positive emotions regularly can lead to increased life satisfaction and a lower risk of mental health disorders.

 On the other hand, negative emotions like sadness, anger, fear, and guilt can have detrimental effects on mental health if they become overwhelming or persistent. For example:

Prolonged sadness can drain our energy and motivation, leading to feelings of hopelessness and, in severe cases, clinical depression. It can make it difficult to engage in daily activities, maintain relationships, and find joy in life.

 Uncontrolled anger can result in impulsive actions, damaged relationships, and physical health problems such as high blood pressure. It can also increase the risk of aggressive behaviour and contribute to a cycle of frustration and conflict, both within oneself and with others.

When fear becomes overwhelming, it can manifest as chronic anxiety, phobias, or panic disorders. These conditions can significantly impair a person’s ability to function in everyday life, leading to avoidance behaviours and isolation.

Excessive guilt and shame can lead to feelings of worthlessness and self-blame, contributing to anxiety, depression, and even self-harm. These emotions can prevent individuals from seeking help, as they may feel undeserving of support or too ashamed to admit their struggles.

 The impact of these emotions on mental health is not limited to the individual; it extends to society as a whole. Unmanaged negative emotions can contribute to social problems such as increased crime rates, domestic violence, and workplace conflicts. Communities with high levels of unmanaged negative emotions may experience higher levels of stress, reduced productivity, and strained social relationships.


 Effectively managing emotions is key to maintaining mental health and fostering positive relationships. Here are some practical steps to help manage emotions:


●      Recognise your emotions.


●      Practice mindfulness.


●      Express emotions healthily.


●      Cognitive reframing.


●      Seek support.


●      Maintain a healthy lifestyle.


●      Develop emotional intelligence.


●      Set boundaries.


●      Focus on solutions.


By adopting these strategies, individuals can navigate their emotional landscape more effectively, leading to better mental health and a more harmonious society.


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Menstruation, 01 Chukwudiebube Nwachukwu Menstruation, 01 Chukwudiebube Nwachukwu


A child psychologist, counsellor/therapist and life coach Uzoamaka Nwachukwu of Cope and Live Mental Health Awareness Foundation has advocated the need for everyone to take responsibility by prioritising their mental health and to become self aware. She made this known on 8/8/2024 while speaking during a stakeholder virtual FREE engagement activity on mental health & wellness which was organised by Cope and Live Mental Health Awareness Foundation Resource Centre to strengthen awareness and deepen consciousness on the triggers to negative emotions, anxiety disorders and addictions as well as their negative consequences on persons and on the society.

According to Uzoamaka, who is a Certified Child Psychologist, a Certified Grief & Bereavement counsellor, a Certified Depression counsellor, a Certified Emotional Intelligence Life Coach and a Certified Mental Health & Wellness Life coach, "Everyone needs Mental Health awareness, education and interventions in order to cope and live for wholistic well-being and self actualisation because mental health state is not static but changes with events and can change many times in the day hence the need for emotional self-awareness”. She observed that people are more aware of physical health than mental health because physical health is what people can easily see whereas mental health state is unseen and revolves around mindsets and emotions but controls the physical. She used the occasion to advocate on strong policies to promote a framework for mental health awareness in order to bring the knowledge and awareness to people (self awareness).

She expressed happiness on what Cope and Live Mental Health Awareness Foundation has started doing such as the Free counselling engagement for widows, widowers, bereaved persons, elderly persons above 65 years, sports men and women, Free Antenatal and postpartum depression counselling, Free Counselling for the physically challenged and visually impaired persons amongst others in conjunction with Rangers international Foundation, CAPIONG, ASTRIC, INECAS etc.

Speaking Further, she maintained that all organisations and spheres of life ought to prioritise mental health awareness and education through the institutionalisation of counselling departments manned by certified mental health life coaches, therapists and psychologists to be able to handle such issues with their staff and other individuals so as to enhance their cognitive, emotional, intellectual and social capabilities for optimum performance, improved psychological well being and productivity.

Today in our society, people are faced with a whole lot of challenges and limitations and a large number seem to be overwhelmed hence the continued emergence and inevitability of some negative emotions, anxieties, depression and anxieties, traumas and its well being challenges like suicide and so on. Just as there are medical practitioners for our medical health challenges the existence of counselling units is equally or important  because mental health is a form of health that needs urgent attention. Come and think of it, a Driver, Pilot, Doctor, Athlete, Footballer, Clergy, Nursing mother, Law enforcement  agent, Child / Young person, Students, Parent, Teachers and other service providers in our society may have been overwhelmed by negative emotions and mental health challenges owing to some circumstances and factors at some point or the other. Everyone needs mental health awareness and intervention to enhance their cognitive, emotional, intellectual, spiritual and social care.


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01 Chukwudiebube Nwachukwu 01 Chukwudiebube Nwachukwu


Nutrition is the cornerstone of health, particularly for nursing mothers. Because what they eat is passed on to the baby, the food choices a nursing mother makes directly impact and influence the developmental progress of her nursing child. During the postpartum period, the nutritional demands on a mother are high, and meeting these needs is critical to both her well-being and her baby's growth.

Nutrient deficiency can impair cognitive(brain) function, affecting memory, focus and concentration. It can lead to fatigue and low energy (Weak baby).

Poor maternal nutrition can alter the composition of breast milk. Nutrients like zinc, iron, and vitamin B12 are pivotal for brain development and overall growth in infants and a deficiency in these nutrients not only affects the mother's health but also compromises the nutrient profile of her breast milk, which can hinder the baby's cognitive and physical development.


Breastfeeding is an energy-intensive process, requiring additional calories and a wide range of nutrients to sustain milk production and support the mother’s health. Inadequate nutrition can lead to fatigue, decreased milk supply, and a host of other health problems, making it difficult for the mother to maintain her energy levels and continue breastfeeding. This, in turn, can disrupt the breastfeeding process, affecting the mother’s ability to provide adequate care for her child.


To ensure that both mother and baby are thriving, it is crucial for nursing mothers to focus on a diet that includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods. Here are some of the most important foods that can provide the needed nutrients for a baby’s development:

Leafy Greens (Spinach, Kale, Broccoli)

Leafy greens are packed with vitamins A and C, calcium, and iron. These nutrients are vital for the development of the baby’s bones and immune system, as well as for maintaining the mother’s health. They also help support milk production.

Lean Proteins (Chicken, Turkey, Eggs, Beans)

Protein is essential for repairing tissues and building muscles. Lean proteins like chicken, turkey, eggs, and beans provide the necessary amino acids needed for the baby’s growth and help maintain the mother’s muscle strength.

Fatty Fish (Salmon, Sardines, Mackerel)

Fatty fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are crucial for the baby’s brain and eye development. These healthy fats also support the mother’s cardiovascular health and reduce inflammation.

Whole Grains (Brown Rice, Oats, Quinoa)

Whole grains provide complex carbohydrates that give the mother sustained energy throughout the day. They are also a good source of fibre, which aids digestion, and B vitamins, which are important for energy production and stress management.

Dairy Products (Milk, Cheese, Yogurt)

Dairy products are excellent sources of calcium and vitamin D, which are essential for the baby’s bone and teeth development. They also help the mother replenish the calcium lost during breastfeeding, supporting her bone health.


Nuts and Seeds (Almonds, Walnuts, Chia Seeds)

Nuts and seeds are rich in healthy fats, protein, and magnesium. They provide a steady source of energy and contribute to the overall health of both mother and baby. Additionally, they support brain function and can help reduce the risk of postpartum depression.

Fruits (Berries, Oranges, Bananas)

Fruits are high in vitamins, antioxidants, and natural sugars. They boost the mother’s immune system, provide quick energy, and help with the absorption of iron, which is important for preventing anaemia in both mother and baby.

Legumes (Lentils, Chickpeas, Black Beans)

Legumes are an excellent source of plant-based protein and iron. They help in maintaining the mother’s energy levels, prevent anaemia, and support the healthy growth of the baby.


Staying hydrated is essential for maintaining an adequate milk supply. Nursing mothers should drink plenty of water, herbal teas, and other hydrating fluids to support their body’s needs and ensure sufficient milk production.


A nursing mother’s diet is a powerful tool in supporting her baby’s growth and development. By incorporating nutrient-rich foods like leafy greens, lean proteins, fatty fish, whole grains, and fruits into her daily diet, a mother can ensure that her breast milk is rich in the essential nutrients her baby needs. Additionally, proper hydration and a focus on balanced nutrition can help the mother maintain her energy levels and overall health.

Ultimately, the choices a mother makes about her nutrition during breastfeeding have a lasting impact on both her and her baby’s well-being. With the right foods and a commitment to self-care, a mother can give her baby the healthiest start in life, while also nurturing her own body and spirit.

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01 Chukwudiebube Nwachukwu 01 Chukwudiebube Nwachukwu


Holistic wellbeing is a comprehensive approach to health that emphasises the connection between the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. It goes beyond the absence of illness. It is aiming for a state of balance and harmony in all areas of life, encompassing the very nature of man - Spirit, Soul and Body. By considering the whole person, holistic wellbeing seeks to optimise health through an integrated and balanced approach.





Physical health forms the cornerstone of holistic wellbeing. It includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, adequate sleep, and preventive healthcare. Beyond these basics, it’s also about engaging in activities that bring physical joy and vitality, like multi-sports, dancing to hiking, swimming and so on.


Mental wellbeing is crucial for overall health. It involves managing stress, maintaining a positive mindset, and engaging in continuous learning. Practices like mindfulness, meditation, and cognitive exercises keep the mind sharp and resilient, enhancing mental clarity and emotional stability.


Emotional wellbeing is about understanding, accepting, and expressing our emotions in healthy way. It includes building strong relationships, developing emotional intelligence, and finding healthy outlets for emotional expression, such as journaling, art, or music, and so on.


Spiritual wellbeing is about seeking meaning, purpose, and connection. It can be nurtured through practices like meditation, prayer, spending time in nature, or engaging in activities that resonate with personal values. Spiritual health brings inner peace, reduces anxiety, and enhances life satisfaction.


Spend time in nature. This sharpens the mind and improves our ability to focus. Whether it is phones, tablets, Televisions, Laptops and so on, we all spend quite a lot of time in front of screens daily, robbing us of our ability for reflection.


This aspect of wellbeing comes from connections. We all yearn for connections and it is crucial for our wellbeing that we develop, maintain, cultivate and cherish healthy relationships. Loneliness can increase anxiety and depression, lower self-esteem and destroy empathy. Spend more time with real people and not social media.



Define clear, attainable goals for each dimension of wellbeing and adjust them as needed.


Incorporate activities that support physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health into your daily life.


 Stay present and aware, addressing imbalances as they occur.


Build a network of supportive relationships and seek professional help when needed.


Regularly engage in activities that rejuvenate and energise you.



Holistic wellbeing is about creating a balanced and fulfilling life by nurturing every aspect of your being. By focusing on the interconnectedness of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health, you can achieve a harmonious state of wellbeing. Embrace this approach and embark on a journey toward a more balanced, healthy, and fulfilling life.

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Parenting, 01 Chukwudiebube Nwachukwu Parenting, 01 Chukwudiebube Nwachukwu



Every child dreams of growing up with parents who are kind, loving, and supportive. They flourish when they can share their joys and struggles, confident that they'll receive unwavering love and encouragement. From the earliest days, children feel the warmth of being cherished and valued.

Yet, the agony of feeling unloved by their own mother, the one who should be their ultimate source of unconditional love and support, is profound. A mother is meant to unite the family, shoulder her children's burdens, and provide a nurturing haven.

The heartbreak of having a narcissistic mother is one of the worst fates for a child. It's a cruel contradiction where the person destined to offer unconditional love instead prioritises her own needs, leaving deep emotional wounds and lifelong distress.



 A narcissistic mother is one who exhibits traits of narcissism, such as an inflated sense of self-importance, a deep need for excessive admiration, validation and a lack of empathy. She prioritises her own needs and desires over those of her children, often manipulating and exploiting them to achieve her own goals. This can manifest in her “forcing” the children to study courses that she feels will cover her own inadequacies and inferiority complex. Or she could interfere in their choices of a marriage partner, prioritising individuals solely because of their wealth or societal status with little or no care for who their child actually wants to marry. It can manifest in many ways. This type of mother can appear charming and loving in public but is emotionally abusive and neglectful in private.



 The effects of being raised by a narcissistic mother are profound and far-reaching, impacting various aspects of a child's growth and mental health:


●      Low Self-Esteem: Always undermining, constant criticism and unrealistic expectations from a narcissistic mother can lead children to believe they are never good enough. She constantly compares the siblings with each other. This pervasive sense of inadequacy can severely damage their self-esteem and confidence.


●      Emotional Neglect: Narcissistic mothers are so selfish that they often are unable to provide the emotional support and validation that children need. This leads to feelings of loneliness, abandonment, and emotional deprivation, as the child’s emotional needs are ignored or invalidated.


●      Difficulty Forming Healthy Relationships: Growing up with a narcissistic mother can impede a child's ability to form and maintain healthy relationships. Trust issues and fear of intimacy often stem from the manipulative and self-centred behaviour they experienced, making it challenging to connect with others authentically. She is always right and frequently tries to manipulate her husband to always side her against their children even when she is wrong.


●      Chronic Guilt and Shame: Children of narcissistic mothers frequently feel responsible for their mother’s unhappiness and shortcomings. This misplaced guilt and internalised shame can become a heavy burden, impacting their mental health and sense of self-worth. This is very dangerous because it often pushes the children to do “all it takes” to compensate for this inferiority complex in their mother, which can lead to them delving into negative options just to please her.


●      Anxiety and Depression: The emotional instability and lack of support in their upbringing can lead to chronic anxiety and depression. The constant emotional turmoil and fear of their mother’s reactions create a state of perpetual stress and unease.


●      Identity Issues: A narcissistic mother often enforces her own identity and desires onto her children, leaving them confused about their own sense of self. This lack of personal identity can hinder their development and make it difficult for them to understand who they are independent of their mother’s influence. The children cease to be themselves and rather are living the mirrored life of their mother.



 A narcissistic mother's terrible impact on her child's development is both distressing and significant. Every child needs to grow up in a loving atmosphere full of love, support, and empathy. Instead, children of narcissistic mothers face emotional manipulation, neglect, and a deep sense of unworthiness.

 Parents have a vital role in determining their children's futures. It is critical for parents to put their children's emotional mental well-being over their own need for recognition. Only through selfless and loving parenting can children develop into confident, emotionally secure persons capable of forging healthy relationships.

 The scars caused by a narcissistic mother may be profound, but with understanding, support, and right guidance, these children can recover and reclaim their sense of self and identity. Let us work to build a world in which every child feels respected, loved, and unconditionally supported, free of narcissistic influence.


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Multi Sports Activities will promote sports, athletes development for greater society, says Rangers Foundation Chairman
Multi Sports Activities, 01 Chukwudiebube Nwachukwu Multi Sports Activities, 01 Chukwudiebube Nwachukwu

Multi Sports Activities will promote sports, athletes development for greater society, says Rangers Foundation Chairman

“Rangers Intl FC Foundation as the the first football club foundation in Nigeria with commitment to exposing children and young persons to life changing experience and opportunities, mental and general well being amongst others is partnering and already engaging children and young persons strategically using the instrumentality of multi sports activities framework in partnership with Cope and Live Mental Health Awareness Foundation” - Amaraizu

Multi sports Activities and Framework have been identified as a veritable sports framework which is tailored towards enhancing broad range of skills amongst children and young persons desirous of becoming a football player or an athletes.

The Chairman Rangers international Football Club Foundation, Ebere Amaraizu disclosed this to newsmen in Enugu while reacting on the essence of partnership with cope and live mental health awareness foundation on effective implementation of multi sports activities / Framework.

Amaraizu, who is also a certified Coach and an Olympic sports Administrator and manager noted that children and young persons participation in multi sports will help them as prospective athletes and the development of broad range of skills for their sporting journey and multi talents in sports.

He noted that it is good for athletes development which will bring about enhancement of athletes physical and  mental abilities, cutting across size, power, body, composition, strength, speed and skill.

“This is because each sports involves unique movements, strategies and mentalities and so by engaging in a variety of sports, an athlete will enhance their overall cognitive, affective and psychomotor abilities.”

Amaraizu, who also is the chairman of the Enugu State Taekwondo Association and also Boxing Association gave an insight that playing basketball improves hand to eye coordination, just as  swimming can build endurance and strength and chess with the development of mindset and mental state in terms of decision making and making of choices and same with taekwondo with indomitable spirit, perseverance, integrity, courtesy and self control.

He pointed that any athlete involved in multi sports is bound to reap the dividends abound in those sports he is participating and which also will make him to be versatile and multi talented.

“It will also provide an enabling platform for athletes to interact with diverse group of people thereby fostering connectivity, sense of community cohesion and unity. It will also promote the  skills of togetherness and teamwork and other valuable life skills beyond sports.”

“We have also concluded modalities to kickstart multi sports activities with Cope and Live Mental Health Awareness Foundation under Rangers international Football Club Foundation in the community and with a mouthwatering sports activity codenamed Foundation kicks  which covers our street sports  activities within Enugu and other south eastern states and with our upcoming summer multi sports activities and class for children and young persons.

Ebere Amaraizu, Anipr, Cipr(UK) is a coach, Olympic sports Administrator and manager, former Police Public Relations Enugu State and former National Coordinator POCACOV. He is a PREVENT SOC’s Policing Expert and Trainer, Child care expert, Alumni Member of U.S Government’s International Visitors Leadership Program (IVLP) on U.S Judicial System; Protecting women and children.


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Menstruation, 01 Chukwudiebube Nwachukwu Menstruation, 01 Chukwudiebube Nwachukwu


Menstrual Hygiene is key in promoting good health in girls and women and it simply means the use of clean menstrual management material to absorb menstrual blood. Menstruation known as "Period" occurs when an egg attached to the wall of the uterus is not fertilised by sperm so the uterus lining breaks down and bleeds causing a period and this occurs between 2 to 7 days.

Good menstrual hygiene promotes girls’ and womens’ dignity, privacy, body integrity and self worth while poor menstrual hygiene poses serious health risks like reproductive and urinary tract infection, infections like hepatitis B which can lead to infertility and birth complications, body odour, discomfort, psychological stress, shame and sometimes depression especially because of the stigma that comes with poor management of menstruation.

Here are some menstrual hygiene practices one can adopt during menstruation:

1. Wear light underwear preferably cotton.

2. Change menstrual products every few hours and more frequently for heavy flows and dispose of used products properly.

3. Keep private area clean.

4. Drink enough liquids to reduce headache and dizziness because of loss of blood and iron.

5. Keep records and monitor your period cycle to avoid embarrassment.

6. Use unscented toilet paper, tampon or pads.

7. Take your bath at least twice daily during your period.

8. Wash your hands after each change of menstrual products.

9. During your period, avoid diets high in sugar, spicy food and caffeine etc rather eat foods rich in Iron, Omega 3, vitamins & minerals etc.

10. Watch out for mood swings to avoid frustration.

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