Child Maltreatment is broad and it includes all types of abuse and neglect of a child under the age of 18 by a parent, caregiver or another person playing a custodial role to a child. And once their mental health is negatively affected, the effect remains with them till adulthood unless addressed.
Child Maltreatment takes many forms such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse and neglect, child labour, use as child soldiers, exposure to pornography, nudity and indecent materials and a host of others.
It is an ill wind that blows no body any good.
Indeed, maltreated children are most at risk of developing mental health problems due to their exposure to abuse and neglect. For instance, the use of young girls at some massage parlours for happy ending, “ushers” at certain events, services at club houses, bars and other places to be used as advertising and marketing networks, exposes them to all manners of abuse. These abuses affect their mental health as many of them are often times coerced, threatened or neglected etc.
Psychologists put it that Child Maltreatment has mental and emotional consequences on the said survivor. Children and young persons who experience abuse and neglect are more likely to develop anxiety, depression, memory issues e.t.c and are therefore at increased risk for a number of problematic developmental, health and mental health outcomes including learning problems and deficiencies.
What is required is for stakeholders to join hands with strong coalitions to raise the necessary awareness and to effect policies that will help to address issues around child maltreatment and effectively tackle the root causes and motivating factors such as child labour, house maids, hawking, child marriages and so on.
Coach Ebere Amaraizu is the lead consultant to Cope and Live Mental Health Awareness Foundation, U.S Government IVLP Alumni member on U.S Judicial System: protecting women and children. He is also an Olympic Solidarity sports administrator and manager and a certified Coach.